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Mysteries Solved: Answering Your Frequently Asked Questions

October 14, 2024

In the spirit of spooky season, let’s dive into some of the biggest mysteries surrounding air travel. Ever wondered what really happens if you forget to put your phone in airplane mode? Or why we don’t fly to a certain destination? We answer these questions and more to ensure your next flight out of MLI is all treats, no tricks.

What exactly does an airport do?

This one might surprise you. Quick quiz:

Airports are responsible for:

  1. A) Lost baggage
    B) Airfare costs
    C) Flight routes
    D) Airplane cabin temperature
    E) All of the above
    F) None of the above

Got your answer? It’s F) None of the above! While many people think airports handle things like ticket prices and lost luggage, that’s entirely up to the airlines. Airports are more like landlords, providing the space and infrastructure for airlines, restaurants, rental car services and shops to operate.

Think of the airport as a shopping mall. The mall owner doesn’t decide which stores rent space or how much products cost—they just maintain the building. Similarly, we as the airport take care of the runway, terminal and surrounding land, making sure everything is secure and well-maintained. So, while we don’t handle your baggage or ticket prices, we’re making sure everything runs smoothly behind the scenes.

Why doesn’t MLI have flights to [your dream destination]?

Airlines are the ones in charge of adding flights, and their decisions come down to a mix of factors including regional population and economic growth, and new businesses entering the area. On top of that, they’re juggling their own business considerations like available planes, crew and financial goals.

At MLI, we’re constantly advocating for more flights. We gather data, tell the story of our region and even offer incentives to airlines. But ultimately, it’s up to them. The best way you can help? Fly MLI as often as you can and show airlines that there’s demand here!

What time should I really arrive before my flight?

We get it—MLI is a small, quick and easy airport. With our super-efficient security lines, it’s tempting to cut it close. But keep in mind, airlines have procedures to follow, and most require passengers to check in at least 45 minutes before departure. Boarding usually closes 10 minutes before takeoff. So, to play it safe (and avoid any heart-pounding sprints through the terminal), aim to arrive 90 minutes to 2 hours before your flight—even at MLI. Take advantage of the extra time and grab a snack or beverage while you wait, and check out the new bar on B Concourse with a great airfield view.

What is TSA looking for?

TSA’s mission is to keep everyone safe, so they’re on the lookout for anything that could pose a threat, like firearms, lithium batteries, or other potential weapons. If you’re unsure about an item, check out TSA’s “What Can I Bring?” guide before heading to the airport to avoid any surprises at security. There are exemptions for certain medications and medical equipment.

What happens if I don’t put my phone in airplane mode?

The FAA prioritizes safety, and while the chances of cell phone interference during flight are slim, there’s still a risk, especially with pilots communicating with air traffic control. And with 5G expanding, there are concerns about its impact on cockpit instruments, especially during low visibility. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. Plus, flight crews are there to keep everyone safe, so it’s important to follow their instructions.

Can you fly without ID?

Yes, but it’s a little trickier. If you lose your ID or forget it at home, TSA can still verify your identity through an in-depth process. If they can confirm who you are, you’ll be allowed through but with extra screening like a pat-down and bag check. And, while we’re on the subject, the deadline to secure a Real ID is fast approaching – you’ll need this elevated type of identification to fly even to other domestic cities. Or, you can use a valid passport if you have one.

There you have it—some of the biggest air travel mysteries solved. One thing that’s never a mystery? Flying out of MLI is quick, easy, and our friendly team is here to help every step of the way.

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